Monday, May 01, 2006

"Out of the gate and off for a walk..."

Last week I was shopping at our local shopping centre and dropped into the ABC Shop and I saw a sign. Lynley Dodd, the author of the Hairy Maclary books, amongst others, would be in the shop today! OH MY GOODNESS. Apart from the fact that I have raised (and indeed am still raising) my girls on her stories, she holds a special place in my heart.

When I was pregnant with Beth, Hamish and I were living in New Zealand and at the time, there was an ad on TV for milk. In the ad, a variety of parents were reading "
Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy" to their children before they went to bed, while having their evening glass of milk. Each parent and child were filmed reading a different line. It was beautiful at the best of times, but when you are pregnant with your first child ... I wanted our future to be like the Anchor Milk ad. I wanted to read Hairy Maclary to my child each night before bed, while having a glass of milk. I immediately went out and bought this book, the first ever book I bought for my children.

Today was "meant to be" because Beth's school had a curriculum day so she had no school. Lynley (we're on first name basis now) was due to appear at 3.30 pm, which would have been difficult with school pick-up etc, but no. We had no problems at all with being there.

The shop was also running a colouring competition. Beth LOVES colouring sheets that you pick up in shops. They are never competitions as such because they always just draw out a name, rather than judge. Which for me, is great, but for Beth, who loves nothing better than to win (comes from her father) it is a tragedy. Nonetheless, the girls completed their masterpieces.

This is Alices. Apparently she has drawn "Slinky Malinky". If you look carefully, you can see the likeness. Keep looking ...

This is Beth's. Beth's drawings always have flowers.

I especially like the birds!

So off we went, complete with our five books to have signed. We stood in the queue, met up with one of Beth's little school friends and his Mum, they all ran around, and I felt very nervous. Strange really. Would I have felt this nervous if Jamie Oliver was signing my cookbook? Possibly not. Although I do like Jamie and all his pukkaness, he is not a part of my life like Lynley. I wanted to blurt out to her all the stories about the milk ad, and that her book was the first book I ever bought for my children and how we love the stories and the girls can end every line. And then there is "The Apple Tree".

Ordinarily, I would have had a little pride and not started talking like a crazed stalking fan, but I just couldn't help myself. She was lovely, and I started talking and we actually had a great conversation. I told her about the milk ad, she said she remembered it well because people thought it was an ad for her books and not milk. She chatted with the girls about their favourite dogs and cats. And then we had "The Apple Tree" conversation.

The illustrations in this book are just beautiful. Which is one reason we love it, but the other is that the girl in the story's name is Beth. We have so many books with Alice's, but no Beth's. We would borrow it from the library and kinder, but I had never seen it to buy it. When I investigated, I found out it's because it is not being published separately anymore and has now been released as "The Apple Tree and other stories". And could I find it so as we could get it signed? No. So I have ordered it and Lynley was kind enough to sign to Beth on a sheet of paper which I will then stick into the book. Then she told Beth that the story was based on her children, Michael and Elizabeth, but that she changed Elizabeth's name to Beth for the story. Beth was enchanted. So with six signings and a lovely chat, we were off, but not before a photo.

How much do I love this photo? No photo has ever summed up my daughter's personalities more than this. Beth is showing just how seriously she takes something like this. And Alice, well, there is that photo smile again.

Beth said to me that she thinks we took the longest time of anyone there. I think she may have been right. We all walked away with big smiles on our faces. And between you and me, mine was the biggest.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My quiet time (15 mins before school drop off) is often spent on the computer and this morning I read your posting Jo, and had to let you know how gorgeous I think it was and how it sent me off with a smile. I think as an archive for your beautiful girls this will be sensational source for them in years to come.
Thanks Jenni.

8:23 am  
Blogger Anastasia said...

How wonderful Jo! bet u were thrilled to have met Lynley, the author.
What a great pic of your girls!

2:22 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:34 pm  
Blogger julie said...

Oh wonderful!! Love the pics you sent me!! Looks like a great book!!
Those faces some up my girls too!!!

10:06 pm  

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